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Two Day workshop on P-Spice by Dr. K. Durgaprasad

: We all experienced engineering students who have difficulties with circuit fundamental principles, and will not benefit from a rigorous mathematical analysis. One solution is to use the teaching world of P-Spice simulation. And the main aim of this workshop is to educate the students about the importance of simulation tools. The workshop has been organized in two days. In the first day, the speaker elaborates about the importance of P-Spice, job opportunities available for the students who are good in P-Spice etc., and the explanation related to writing the program has been given. In the second day, morning session completely spent on writing programs for different electronic circuits, how to simulate the circuit etc., and in the afternoon session, hands on session has been conducted for the students in the simulation lab in the c-bloc

Event Details

07:50 PM 23 April 2016 Issued by Dept of ECE, RCEE Posted by Web Admin




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