News & Announcements Details

Radar Station Industrial Tour Report

Report in brief by Organizer / Coordinator / Convener: The tour is planned on 18-09-2017 after receiving permission letter from Radar Station on 5th September 2017. We reached there by 10.30 AM and had a very detailed explanation from the department staff about each and every part of the Radar station and the equipment used to evaluate the different parameters of the weather like temperature, humidity, atmospheric pressure, rain, wind speed, wind direction etc. We have spent there for almost four hours to know about the complete units and we returned from there by 2.30 PM. The tour is very useful for the third year students they have Radar Systems course in the upcoming semester. All the students are very happy after watching the real equipment which they are listening in the class room and they feel something learned regarding RADAR.

Event Details

10:30 AM 19 September 2017 Issued by Dept of ECE, RCEE Posted by Web Admin




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